GE 1.5T Signa Excite 11x

1.5 Signa Excite

GE 1.5T Signa Excite 11x

Software Versions 11x
No. of Channels 8
Magnet Bore Size 60 CM
Type of Magnet & Wt CXK-4 technology; Zero Helium Boiloff Technology; 5.3 Tonnes
RF Amplifier 16 KW
Gradient Amplitude 33 mT/m
Slew Rate 120 T/m/s
Max Transmitter Bandwidth 600KHz
Max Recevier Bandwidth 500 KHz
Whole Spine Imaging Spine Pasting On ADW
Whole Body Metastatic Screening Screening With Help of Body Coil
Special Applications GRE, SPGRE, FGRE, FSPGR, SPECIAL, MRCP, 2D Cine Angiography, LAVA, Propellar, Fiesta, Tricks, Perfusion, DTI, Single & MV Spectroscopy